About us

Anglophile from my early years, I first developed a teenage love for America (or rather, for the United States). Later, when I worked as a civil servant of the European Union, I became more attracted to Great Britain through its language, literature, history, arts, and antiques. Indeed, I regularly travelled to the UK for work and seized any opportunity to observe its natural and cultural assets. So much so that I decided to start academic studies in English, at Lorraine University, in 2016. As a mature student, I studied for the pleasure of learning and deepening my understanding of British and American cultures: a real luxury, compared with students who were studying under the constant pressure of getting their degree and finding a new job!

Having completed a Master’s degree in January 2024, I wondered about what to do with all this knowledge… When my son asked me “how about a blog?” I thought that some of my research papers and essays may be of interest to French and foreign students in English. My first intention was therefore to post some of my “best” assignments. When we started working on the structure of this blog, however, I soon realized that I would also like to share my long-lasting love for English culture with other enthusiastic anglophiles and students of the English language, be they in France like me or all over the world. I thus considered sharing many other sources of information that I used for these last eight years to enrich the class materials provided by our teachers, such as various MOOCs, online lectures, books, paintings, documentaries, films and TV series. Even though all these tools were important to get a theoretical knowledge of British and American history and culture, they could not replace the real thing: going to these foreign countries, experiencing the weather and the geography, meeting people, exchanging views and opinions with them, visiting historical places and museums and feeling the atmosphere… That’s why I also decided to post outlines/diaries and photos of some of the trips I made abroad for the last 15 years, to give you some ideas and maybe some inspiration for your own future trips overseas.

This blog has been structured in different themes, corresponding to various personal interests—some of which are overlapping. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit! If you want to be kept informed of new posts, you can subscribe by clicking on the red button in the right-handed column: it’s simple and free! And if you want to send some comments or ask questions about this blog, please use the “contact” link.

Illustration (my photo): June in the garden of the School of Nancy‘s museum (France)