What’s the link between…

The Alienated Manor, a drama written in 1798 by a long-forgotten Scottish author, Joanna Baillie, a photographic artwork created in 2015, Portrait of Charles Edward Stuart (after William Mosman) by the Scottish artist Calum Colvin, and a travelogue, A Tour thro’ the whole Island of Great Britain, written by Daniel Defoe in 1724-27? This “academic exercise” was an assignment given in 2021. You can find … Continue reading What’s the link between…

Is Gaelic becoming an extinct language in Scotland?

To what extent might the multicultural language policies introduced since 2001 by the British and the Scottish governments to “revitalize” the Gaelic language effectively counter its relentless decline? Before English became the main language spoken in Scotland in the 18th century, there were different languages and dialects spoken across the country: whereas Gaelic was the dominant language in the Highlands and Islands—the Gàidhealtachd—the Lowlands adopted … Continue reading Is Gaelic becoming an extinct language in Scotland?

Equity in Scotland’s education system

Since 1707, when the Scottish and the English Parliaments united to form the Parliament of Great Britain, education has been one of the areas (with the church and the law) reserved to Scotland. To what extent can the Scottish education system be judged today as providing more equity to its people – especially its students – than the English one? For most Western countries, education … Continue reading Equity in Scotland’s education system